
Luke De-Sciscio
3 min readApr 13, 2020

Brothers and Sisters, it is my absolute honour to announce the forthcoming release of my album ‘Eucharist,’ to share with you ‘Jamie Song’ and to introduce you to the concept of ‘my season.’

We are presently, collectively, in the midst of a year that on every level seems pivotal.

As a Global family, we are unified now like never before. In the face of a collective threat. Will we allow this time to dawn on us the fact we share a single biological form? Will we see ourselves in the exploitation that led to the rise of COVID-19?

I stand, on some soap-folk-box as if ‘Good Bye Folk Boy’ in some way gave me the right to try and put words around a crazy thing. But, I stand by this; ANYTHING difficult has value. ANYTHING traumatic is full of wisdom. ANYTHING that forces us to consider death, teaches us so much about how we’d live this life.

That the tragedy should lie not in what dies but what dies inside while your still alive.

And ‘Folk Boy’ taught me that, just a year ago.

So, on a personal level, it feels like this is some coalesence beyond which I yet have the language to speak, but…

as a friend reminded me the other day:

‘Apocalypse,’ to the Greeks, in fact meant ‘revelation, an unveiling of that which could not have been previously known.’

And, I would offer, that in the wake of my personal Apocolypse, having been summoned to reconsider the breadth of ‘me’ in a ‘post-self’ World, I took stillness in a Churchyard as my medicine and panned through heavy, many, wordless thoughts to try and put words around something to that point I could not yet speak.

And this precisely is what we, as a homogenous one, a collective-self, a unified group, should take this time for now.

With this period of introspection we’ve an opportunity like that for which Generations and Generations prior would have been inconceivable. The Entire World takes a breath.

Greta, only last year, pleaded that the World would stop, just for a moment, to take a look around. She was told it was impossible. Society cannot just stop.

Well…as it turns out Greta…when the threat is unanimous and unscrupulous, irreverent in the face of border and class; Society, can. On a dime. Stop.

So, in the face of THIS apocalypse. In the face of this ‘revelation,’ this ‘unveiling of that which could not have been previously known.’

Let us look for the light between the trees. Let us stare, as a whole into the darkness and surface from the belly of the beast with words to wrap around a wordless thing. Let us forge new language and new principals with which to speak. Let us turn in, slowly, privately, selfishly into our own abyss, in the safety of our most trusted units and let us offer those we love our darkest truths. Let us turn our heads away from the screen JUST THIS ONCE. To find our own language. Let us be bold and brave and unflinching and together, in the face of a common threat, find that unity is not OUT THERE nor IN HERE but…fundamentally everywhere.

Emanating from the most solitary part of you is the language that will hold our collective future.

So, wrapping this up, allow me to summarise. ‘Eucharist’ is the scrabble for meaning when a former identity had betrayed me. Eucharist is the incubation following the annihilation.

And, my ‘season’ is a three part movement from annihilation to sublimation.

That is to say, this year, the pivotal year of 2020, I will release 3 albums. Each of 11 songs. Good Bye Folk Boy was the first. Eucharist will be with you on the 24th of April. And the final record will be with you before the end of the year.

‘Eucharist,’ this music I offer you now, is a heavy pang in a perfect place, it is the outer-World coming home and it is the aftermath of something chaotic. An awe-struck disbelief slowly forging senses with which to view its’ self. It is the voyage through the desert from which to return Whole and it is the hand, reaching from affront wherever you are now, offering just maybe a semblance of hope in the face of Oblivion.



